Saturday, May 14, 2011

How To Restore Lost Data

Have you ever accidentally delete your files, then have to empty the recycle bin? Or you have to format the hard disk but want your data back? Or data lost or corrupted due to virus? Or because the computer shut down or restart all of a sudden? There is a way to restore lost data, ie with a very complete software, namely Ontrack EasyRecovery Professional. These are the ways to restore your lost data.
First you have to first download the software, please click here to download software Ontrack EasyRecovery Professional.
If you are missing data on drive C:, you should install on your computer or other operating systems. If data are missing on drive other than C:, you can install this software anywhere on the same computer, provided that is not in greeting one drive with lost data earlier.
This software provides a solution which is very comprehensive in connection with lost data or business recovery data lost due to:

    1. Viruses.
    2. Sectors that are not legible
    3. Application errors, system, or shut down abnormally.
    4. Damage to critical areas.
    5. Ter-format
    6. Other possible causes of data loss.

This software is installed on Windows 98 SE, Me, 2000, or XP, and able to recover data for windows on all systems. This software has four main features, namely:

    1. Disk Diagnostics, which is a tool to check the condition of your hard drive is still good or not.
    2. Data Recovery, which is a tool to recover data / files due to deletion, formatted, and so forth.
    3. Email Repair, which is a tool to restore your Outlook Express data is erased or damaged.
    4. Repair files, which is a tool to improve data / files of Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and ZIP (WinZip) file that is damaged due to virus or other reasons.

Let us look at one at the existing facilities within this software.

1. Disk Diagnostics

Tool is in Disk Diagnostics are:

     * Data Advisor, to make a recovery diskette.
     * Drive Tests, to test the physical condition of the hard disk (disk drive).
     * Jumper Viewer, to view the position of the jumpers on the hard disk.
     * Partition Tests, to check the condition of disk partition.
     * Size Manager, to see the hard disk capacity
     * SMART tests, used to test the condition of Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology on a hard drive.

2. Data Recovery

Tools that exist in the Data Recovery are:

     * Advanced Recovery, to find data that can not recover with another tool, namely because it was the format, including partitions, viruses, or anything else.
     * Deleted Recovery, to search for deleted data. This is the tool most frequently used author.
     * Format Recovery, to find data on the hard disk has been format.
     * Raw Recovery, to search for the missing files based on signatures.
     * Resume Recovery, all the recovery process can be paused and resumed at a later time.
     * Emergency Media, to create a floppy disk or CD that is used to recover data / files missing.

3. Email Repair, used to restore your Outlook data and Outlook Express are missing.

4. Repair files, used to restore the files of Microsoft Office and ZIP damaged. This tool can fix the file Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and ZIP (WinZip) file is corrupted or damaged due to virus or other reasons.

The data file is missing or more difficult to recover if:

    1. You add new files after you delete or format the hard disk.
    2. You use FAT32 in Windows XP.

So how to restore the lost data with EasyRecovery Professional software. Hopefully your data can be saved.

Monday, May 2, 2011

How to Increase Capacity Flashdisk

It can be cool and useful info! Software (1GB_to_2GB) that can change the FlashDisk 1GB to 2GB. And now I want to-for to you, the way is.................

Immediately wrote yes, here it is how:

1) software download HERE (212KB).

2) Open the software you've downloaded earlier.

3) Meanwhile, the plug flashdiskmu to Computer / Laptop.

4) In the software, click refresh. then click fix.

5) Wait until finished, then pull the plug again flashdiskmu continue.

6) To check the added capacity of flash (from 1GB to 2GB). Right-click on the flash memory is readable, and select Properties. And you can see his Capacity (total capacity) increases.

But, because the price of the day Flash Disk, the more expensive course. You'd better buy a new one (which is 4GB, only about one hundred thousand dollars ...).

Good luck, Good Success, and Good Work! :)

How to Install Windows 7 through USB

Installation of Windows 7 on a Netbook or computers that do not have a DVD room may make some people confused, this is first time ever experienced Netbook my friends want to reinstall it windows 7. He was confused how do install if there is no DVD drive on netbooknya. Once I know if you can Install windows from USB stick instead of finished even more confused.

Perform the following steps on a computer or laptop that has a DVD drive.
Ok, To be able to install windows 7 via USB FlashDisk follows several steps.

    1. FlashDisk Prepare a minimum capacity of 4GB (knowingly file size on Windows 7 DVD big enough).
    2. Prepare the Installation DVD of Windows 7.
    3. If on a computer using Windows XP as its OS download and install DiskPart.exe.
    4. Connect the USB on the computer or netbook, back up all data to a USB hard drive.
    5. Open Command Promt in Windows, Start menu> All programs> Accessories> Right click on the Command Promt select Run as Administrator.
    6. In Command Promt type DISKPART, then the image will appear below.

7. Then type in Command Promt LIST DISK to see the number on your USB stick. Consider what number your USB stick from its size. On the computer USB FlashDisk located on Disk 1 because I use the USB Size 7GB.
    8. Furthermore, type SELECT DISK 1 (since Disk 1 is my USB, USB adjust the list on your computer), type the CLEAN which will delete all files on the USB, type CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY, type SELECT PARTITION 1, type ACTIVE, type FORMAT FS = NTFS , type ASSIGN. type EXIT.
    9. Insert the DVD of Windows 7 check drive letter for the DVD Drive, DVD Drive on my computer is located on the "E" and USB on the "F".
  10. Open Command Promt type E: CD BOOT press ENTER
  11. type press ENTER BOOT CD
  12. type Bootsect.exe / nt60 F: (F is the drive letter for USB on my computer.)
  13. copy all the contents of the DVD is Windows 7 into a USB.

USB flash drive ready for installation of windows 7 which should be considered is to change the Boot Priority settings in the BIOS, change from HDD or CD ROM Drive into the USB.