Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Using ReadyBoost to increase your computer memory

When your computer is running slow on RAM for many applications you are running will surely make you really annoyed the computer will automatically get the memory from your hard drive of course it does not work optimally to improve overall performance. This way also I've ever discussed here by using the Virtual memory stick but is more simple ways you can use one of the ways that I write this.

To overcome this you can try the following trick for users of Windows 7 by using ReadyBoost is a feature in Windows that uses flash memory from a USB flash drive that will help when your computer goes over the limit of RAM.

The way you plug the USB flash drive, after you plugged the USB then go to My Computer in Explorer window and then right click on the USB Flash Drive

Note: if there is a file on your USB Autorun then ReadyBoost should be the primary choice

Right click on your USB flash drive then select Properties Properties window will appear in the window menu select the ReadyBoost tab

Windows 7 tricks using ReadyBoostkemudian select the Use this device and please set the space to reserve the space you want to use USB Recommends notice in the USB space and click OK.

Note to use this way to make sure your USB possess a minimum of 1 GB capacity, for best results if you use 2 GB of RAM on your computer can use a USB flash drive 2 times the RAM your computer is to get better results.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

How To Re-Charge Toner HP Laserjet P1102 Printer

Experience is very valuable. Someone had already had experience but unfortunately not soon be divided into those in need. I since have a HP Laserjet P1102 has long been looking for a tutorial how to refill toner printer but did not go see. But finally there is also kind enough to share the tutorial for it, although I do not understand the language. But do not worry even though the language we do not understand the steps are very easy to follow. In the form of video tutorials that we can see or we download on youtube. Links (link) you can see at the end of this paper.
Before I continue there are some things to consider when refilling toner. First, prepare a screwdriver + tools, vacuum cleaner (or brush), newsprint (as base), and toner powder.
Do not damage the rubber stuck to the metal plate that existed at the disposal of toner powder. I remind you this because this is one part that is very easily damaged, or torn apart. Opening and must be carefully cleaned. Do well until a black powder was inhaled while cleaning it. Powder particles are very fine and does not seem to dissolve in water. It is feared that stick in our lungs and this is clearly dangerous in my opinion.
For additional info, for my chip did not do the replacement like the one on the video tutorials, and until this day no problem.
Here's a video tutorial how to refill HP Laserjet P1102 printer toner cartridges :

Friday, July 22, 2011

Tips on Preventing Overheat Laptop

More recently exploded due to overheating laptop event (overheating) often occur. Yesterday in china Asus Eee PC that is loved explode because of overheating. Surely this event will make laptop users to be worried. But do not worry you can prevent your laptop overheat, by following the tip's below:

1. Always Clean the ventilation system on a laptop with a compressor

2. If you want to insert into a laptop bag should the situation be turned off, or set the laptop hibernate state conditions. It can prevent the increase in heat.

3. Never put a laptop that is operating in narrow places, this can increase the heat.

4. Use monitoring software such as SpeedFan, which allows you to supervise and monitor the temperature of the processor, hard drive and other components.

5. Adjust the power settings to prevent overheating of components such as screens and hard drives.

6. Use a laptop cooler to prevent overheating.

7. When planning to buy a new laptop, Examine carefully first. Find information about the laptop model and brand of what is often overheat.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

How to Detect and Remove Webwatcher

Webwatcher is a spyware-like monitoring program often employed by concerned parents, spouses, or even (as the company claims) police. However, it is a dangerous program which can be used for malicious purposes as well. Webwatcher will report almost ANYTHING you do from within Windows. This includes keystrokes, web browsing, IM, email, etc. Your data will be sent to the Awareness Technologies servers, where the software owner can view it from an account. Besides the obvious privacy reasons, you may also feel concerned about the security of your data.
This guide will show you how to detect and remove the Webwatcher software. These instructions work for versions 4 - 6 (NOT the latest anymore) of the software, but may also work for other versions. Note that the company (incorrectly) claims that the software is undetectable.

  • Steps

-Non-Technical Methods

    1. The most obvious technique is to simply ask the person who installed the software (assuming you know them) to remove it. Obviously, this will not work if an unknown or uncooperative person installed it.
    2. You can also try to have the vendor (Awareness Technologies) remove this software for you. However, this company requires you to prove that the software is illegally installed, a process which is invasive (usually they remote access your computer). Requests are reported to be usually ineffective and are often ignored.
    3. If these methods do not work for you, or you want to confirm that it was in fact uninstalled, then read on.

-Easy Detection Method (Not Guaranteed)

    1. Hold down the control and alt keys on your keyboard, then press caps lock. This is the default key combination to bring up the password prompt. However, note that whomever installed this software can easily change this. If a box appears asking for a password, then you are likely infected. If not, then try the other steps described here.

-For Manual Detection

    1. First open up a command prompt. You can do this by clicking on start, then run, then typing cmd and press enter (XP). Or by using the start menu search to find a shortcut (Vista/7).
    2. Try one known Webwatcher directory. Then type 'cd c:\windows\system32\config\atww' (without quotes). If command prompt shows 'cannot find this file' or similar, then move on to the next steps. If not, then you may be infected.
    3. Try other directories. Repeat step 2 for the directories 'c:\windows\system32\config\atuvp', 'c:\program files\webwatcherv5' and 'c:\program files\skyhook wireless' filling in the part after 'cd' with the appropriate directory. If any of these are found, then you may be infected. Proceed to delete or rename these files or use an antivirus/antispyware program.

-For Automated Detection

    1. Use Spy DLL remover. Download a copy of spy DLL remover or the portable apps version at Launch the program. Use 'run as adminstrator' (Vista/7)
    2. Click on the gears (settings) icon.
    3. Check your options. Enable 'Scan for hidden processes' and all of the options below it. In the dropdown box select 'show dangerous, suspicious, and analysis level threats' Make sure that 'Ignore non DLL files' is UNCHECKED
    4. Click the save button to confirm your preferences.
    5. Click 'scan now'
    6. Check the results. If anything appears in orange or red, then you are likely infected with Webwatcher or other spyware. Check the list of suspect files for the directories mentioned in the manual detection section of this guide. Check for any file named 'wpsnuio'. Also check for a folder in the c:\windows\system32 or c:\windows\system32\config directory for a directory with a name beginning with 'epphp'. For these items, note their file/folder names and paths, then click on them and then click 'remove all' to unload the spyware.

-Manual Removal

    1. Try your hand at deleting or renaming the detected files. Type the path of the target file into windows explorer (my computer), then select the file and move it to recycle bin or rename it. Do this for all of the suspected files, then restart your computer.

-Automatic Detection and Removal

    1. Use AD-Aware. Download a copy of Ad-Aware free form
    2. Run a smart scan.
    3. Remove webwatcher if it appears on the scan. Note that it may be called Ultraview

-Boot Disk Method

    1. Note that this method completely bypasses Windows (and therefore Webwatcher's rootkit), giving you unrestricted access to the disk. However, there is also no protection against accidentally deleting, renaming, or modifying important system files. Make a backup first and be careful.
    2. Burn your CD/DVD. Burn a linux live CD/DVD. You can use Ubuntu, Linux Mint, or really any distribution capable of accessing your hard disk (almost all of them should).
    3. Boot up. Start up your computer with the CD/DVD. Check out other articles on how to do this.
    4. Open your hard disk. Using the included file manager, open the drive which contains your windows folder.
    5. Look for suspicious files. Try and find the files and folders mentioned in the manual detection section.
    6. Move, rename, or delete the files. You can move them to a different location on the hard disk, move them to a USB drive, or rename the files. Deleting the files will work too, but be careful as this can cause system instability or crashes.
    7. Reboot into windows. Restart the computer without the CD/DVD in the drive. You should also use Spy DLL Remover or another program to determine whether you have completely removed the software.

-Prevent Future Infection

    1. Set a strong administrator password. Avoid telling your password to anyone. If they should need administrator rights for some reason, then log on for them, watching everything they do to prevent installation of this software in the future.

  • Tips
    - You should restart your computer after preforming these steps to ensure that Webwatcher is cleared from your computer's memory
    - Webwatcher uses a rootkit to hide itself from Task Manager, Windows Explorer and Regedit, but fails to hide itself from Command Prompt. Also, if the name of the hidden directory is typed into windows explorer, then the files are exposed.
    - Your antivirus/antispyware program might already detect webwatcher. Check the logs for detection entries titled 'Webwatcher' or 'Ultraview'
    - Remember that there are plenty of other similar programs which can possibly be used to do the same thing as Webwatcher.
    - Many of these steps require administrator rights on Windows
    - Remember that the software CAN be reinstalled even after you delete it. So, run these detection steps as often as you deem necessary.
    - When researching/looking up Webwatcher on the internet, avoid confusion between the commercial spyware (what we are talking about here) and the many non-spyware programs (which are completely separate).
  • Warnings
    - Be VERY careful when editing system files. Make a backup of your important files whenever possible. If you feel uncomfortable or unsure, stop and ask a knowledgeable friend.
    - These instructions might not work for newer versions, and there is no guarantee
    - Version 7.0 of this software has been released, possibly rendering these instructions (especially the manual detection/removal sections) obsolete. This is not to say that they will certainly not work, but that they are untested on versions 7.0 and up.

Source :

Saturday, June 4, 2011

FlashDisk Guard Prevent Virus From USB Flash Drive Entrance

Guard flash, artificial ANSAV is a useful program to prevent the entry of the virus from the flash that does not intentionally made ​​this program to monitor the flash and to rename file EXE, SCR, and COM became EX_, SC_ and CO_ when the flash is plugged into a USB socket.

The program is deliberately made ​​with a very small, does not appear in the Taskbar, and 'somewhat hard' operated so as not to be close by guests who ride use the computer

because of uncomfortable or 'wise guy'. Because sometimes there are people who do not quite understand the virus, but quasi know really, if given the tau do not want to know, and eventually even enter into a computer virus accidentally. Because of experiences like that of the maker of this software then came the idea to make to make this program: (

This program is free and may be distributed freely, even encouraged. Not to show off or show off, but as a form of my concern to computer users who are always puzzled by a virus ... It's hard to say 'do not make the virus' virus makers, so, this is one way I inhibit the spread of the virus.
I have not tried this application because there is no flash that got a virus;) so just try it yourself
you download and try it out.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

how to remove autorun.inf virus

Autorun.inf can not be removed completely with the antiviral,
For this trick, in flash (autorun.inf usually lodged in the flash) to be made a folder with the name autorun.inf of our own making.
The logic of this autorun.inf is a file name that contains the program while a file name will not be made if existing folders with the same name.
Steps to create the autorun.inf folder to the file blocks as follows:
1. Create a file named autorun.inf on your computer desktop, by right clicking your mouse, then click "new text" leave blank
2.Move with "CUT" or "Ctrl X" autorun.inf file that you created into flash .. but before "paste"into the flash created a folder on your desktop? autorun.inf rename it (right click and click "new folder"? give the name autorun.inf) -
3. Replace the autorun.inf file (virus) that is in flash with autorun.inf file you made. With the "paste" the file you made earlier
4. Quickly remove the autorun.inf file you say? enter the autorun.inf folder into the flash with "copy" and then "paste"

If this is successful the file / virus autorun.inf will never again interfere with the flash from her will be block by the name of the same folder.

This also applies to similar files in the flash that often ride like etc dream.html

How to remove Sality Virus Manually

The virus is often detected by antivirus software by name or W32Sality.AE Sality this is that many viruses are spread through a network that uses windows default share folder or share with full access. Sality virus will attack and inject a lot of files ending in *. exe, disable the task manager, disable Regedit and make your windows can not run in save mode. And worse, this Sality able to destroy some files ending in *. exe to not be used again. To remove it automatically, you can update the antivirus software you use and do scanning and repair thoroughly. But if your antivirus does not solve this sality virus attack, then you can delete them manually. How to eradicate the virus W32Sality.AE or more often known by the name of this sality virus manually from your computer? I give the following tips and how to eradicate the virus without mercy and guarantees 99% success!

1. Disconnect your computer from any network, whether LAN or the Internet.
2. Turn off system restore feature you during the process of cleaning the virus sality
3. Download here Sality Repair
4. Extract the file and right click the file SalityRepair repair.inf then right click and click Install
5. Turn off all active applications and are you open
6. Download Norman Malware Cleaner here or download directly here
7. Norman Malware Cleaner Change the extension from. exe to. cmd for application Norman Malware Cleaner is not infected by the virus sality
8. Perform scanning using Norman Malware Cleaner.cmd (extension. exe is your change to. cmd)
9. Restart your computer after the cleaning process is complete
10. Download FixReg here
11. Extrack FixReg.rar and run the registry that is in the folder FixReg
in accordance with windows that you use.
12. Restart your computer.
13. Check task manager regedit, etc. to ensure your computer has been recovered. You can also scan in safe mode to make sure your computer is correct - really clean from the virus sality.

Actually, almost all antivirus can detect and eradicate this virus sality. You can update your antivirus and do the scanning and repair using the antivirus you use. If your antivirus was not able to delete it, then tips it manually eradicate the virus sality above could be a powerful solution free from attack W32Sality.AE