Wednesday, June 1, 2011

how to remove autorun.inf virus

Autorun.inf can not be removed completely with the antiviral,
For this trick, in flash (autorun.inf usually lodged in the flash) to be made a folder with the name autorun.inf of our own making.
The logic of this autorun.inf is a file name that contains the program while a file name will not be made if existing folders with the same name.
Steps to create the autorun.inf folder to the file blocks as follows:
1. Create a file named autorun.inf on your computer desktop, by right clicking your mouse, then click "new text" leave blank
2.Move with "CUT" or "Ctrl X" autorun.inf file that you created into flash .. but before "paste"into the flash created a folder on your desktop? autorun.inf rename it (right click and click "new folder"? give the name autorun.inf) -
3. Replace the autorun.inf file (virus) that is in flash with autorun.inf file you made. With the "paste" the file you made earlier
4. Quickly remove the autorun.inf file you say? enter the autorun.inf folder into the flash with "copy" and then "paste"

If this is successful the file / virus autorun.inf will never again interfere with the flash from her will be block by the name of the same folder.

This also applies to similar files in the flash that often ride like etc dream.html

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